Viewer’s In-depth Report on Movie of the Week
Fake Ballots Created in Florida and Everyone is Complicit.

This video was well worth our time to see and learn the facts that election fraud does exist on a large scale in the so-called “Free State” of Florida.  Thank you for sending this” eye opener”.  We’ve sent to many others, and we are all disgusted in Florida’s government, the elected and political parties to fail to recognize voter fraud or to listen to those who discover the fraud.  This video led us to research and rethink many election practices.  We’ve prepared the following summary for you to share with others if you’d like. This summary is in the same order as the video’s running time and not in order of importance. While all involve questionable practices by those in authority, the sneakiest and most blatant fraud are not the first discussed in the video.  Click here to see the documentary.

Around the 13.25-minute mark of run time, discrepancies with the printing of Florida’s ballots were uncovered. The notorious Runbeck firm was used to print Florida’s Pinellas and Hillsboro Counties but most of Florida’s ballots were printed in New York by Cathedral Printing—a printer whose leadership has solid ties and donates to a political party. Cathedral Printing acquired the Fidlar Election Printing in 2017. Fidlar has been printing Florida ballots for a long time.  Do you believe there is a conflict in the best interest of Florida voters for their ballots to be supplied by an out-of-state firm whose leadership supports and funds a particular political party?

We were quite surprised to learn that some (or perhaps all) of Florida’s County Supervisors of Elections had” turned over our Vote by Mail process to Fidlar Election in 2012” but ran across this fact from the Fidlar/Cathedral website.  Go to the bottom of this summary to read *Statements from some Florida’s County Supervisors of Election praising Fidlar Elections for doing their job. 

Around the 20-minute mark, another questionable situation is that the wife of the President of the Supervisor of Elections Association worked for Fidlar/Cathedral Printing and received her election certification from his Elections Association under a different name (perhaps maiden).  This may or may not be okay, but the Association President’s name and relationships appear to have been mysteriously scrubbed/removed from online records.  The Supervisors of the Election Association is believed to be a professional organization funded by Florida taxpayers; however, we could not find their minutes or recommendations relative to elections, or their history and prior officers online.  Taxpayers should not fund professional organizations nor work that is not transparent.  If this “professional organization” is sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise supported by the State of Florida government, their meetings and election recommendations should be recorded for the public viewing. 

HERE’S THE BLATENT FRAUD:  Around the 32.40-minute mark begins the devastating findings on changing the addresses for thousands of voter ID numbers to incomplete or nonexistent addresses and then printing absentee ballots for these incomplete (fictitious) addresses,  Then the ballots were  electronically completed votes and signatures produced by computer programs.  After these processes, the addresses for these voter ID’s were changed back to the originally recorded address for the voter.  This process is referred to as “flipping addresses”.  This stealing of Floridians identity linked to their voter ID number should be acted on by local law enforcement and mail fraud authorities but is apparently being ignored by those with the authority to do so. 

Around the 44-minute mark, Mr. Jurski discussed their findings on probable stolen voter IDs without the knowledge of the local County Election Offices. These fake absentee ballots received by the Supervisor of Elections offices are not suspect since their record shows a ballot was requested.  There appears to be no reason for the election office to question the ballot as a “fake”. This may explain why Election Offices across the Nation believe they are doing a great job when, in fact, this fake ballot absentee process is outside of their view with no reason to question.   All the more reason to stop the absentee ballot process for citizens living in the US and go back to the original intended purpose of absentee ballots for US military serving abroad.  Yes, a few of us may miss voting when we choose to be out of town during the entire early voting and election day offerings but that’s each individual’s decision in plan according to their priorities. 

Comments:  The extent of voting discrepancies and fraud uncovered in this short discussion should be alarming to every citizen.

The high price of technology with continual program updates and new hardware to support those updates is reason enough to convince the average taxpayer that we do not need technology vendors and machines running our elections.  Counting votes is not rocket science but has become a racketeering scheme.  We need to get back to the basics of simply counting paper ballots in our neighborhoods at the supervised precinct level on election day and at early voting sites.  With all the money we’d save on technology, software, and machines, oversight and manpower, we could hire and train plenty of our local citizens to count ballots by minimum wage or greater to our community residents who put this money back into our local economy.  If we start counting ballots when the polls open and continue throughout election day with supervised shift workers, we can have results quick enough.  Other countries do this and get their elections results quickly while saving the billions of dollars we give to big tech and out of state vendors.  We need to stop making big tech richer and richer and get back to people working with people and accountable to each other.  Big tech software and hardware was sold to us as labor saving and economical, but we all know it is neither as our time and cost expended in keeping-up with technology changes continue to soar.  The difficulty in doing simple communication tasks has become unbearably time-consuming and costly.   Artificial intelligence further complicates the trust we can have in elections, each other and our government using specialized software. 

We would like to thank Mr. Jurski of the Florida Peoples Audit, the Conservative Daily, the Florida Republican Assembly and Mike Lindell and his group at FrankSpeech,com for working to educate voters.   Our sincere appreciation goes out to the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of concerned citizens across Florida and America working to improve voter integrity.  God Bless You.

By the way, here’s some statements from some Florida County Supervisors of Election Praising Fidlar Elections at

“We are extremely satisfied with the quality of the products and services received from Fidlar. Since 2002, we have depended on Fidlar to provide us with excellent quality ballots received on time. We turned over our Vote by Mail process to Fidlar Election in 2012 and it has taken a great burden off of our office.”
-Susan Gill CERA – Citrus County Supervisor of Elections

“Their quality of work has always been superior; turnaround times and customer service have been very dependable. Fidlar can be depended on to work at least as hard and diligently to ensure the success of our elections as we do.”
-Mark Earley CERA – Leon County Supervisor of Elections

“In 2016, the team of Fidlar and Cathedral Corporation handled the ballot printing and the direct mailing of all Vote by Mail Ballots for the three county-wide elections. We value their experience and expertise and always include them when planning our big mailing projects.”
-Bill Cowles CERA – Orange County Supervisor of Elections

“No matter the job they maintain the same level of professional service we have come to expect. Their quality, level of service, and commitment to supporting well-run elections in the State of Florida are among the many reasons that we remain proud to call ourselves Fidlar customers.”
-Paul Lux CERA – Okaloosa County Supervisor of Elections

“We appreciate the quality of work and responsive customer service we receive from Fidlar. For a decade Fidlar has been a very important part of implementing successful elections in Collier County!”
-Jennifer Edwards, Supervisor of Elections APR, CERA, CPRC, MFCEP – Collier County Supervisor of Elections


The views and opinions expressed by this viewer are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of We Can Be Heroes Foundation.