Poland is now a very free and good country after the Russians left Poland. The Polish took many of American ideals and put it into their own government. Poland is now a much better country since becoming more American. My family and I are very grateful for all the rights and freedoms that we have in this country. It makes us very sad when people take the rights and freedoms we have here for granted and say this country is evil and terrible. And there are still people who think communism and socialism is a good idea even after history has shown its not at all. My parents lived under that evil ideology and they are first-hand witnesses on how terrible that idea is. Even though there are a lot of people who take these freedoms for granted I still wake up every day and look to my American flag hanging on my wall and think to myself that I am so lucky and grateful that I was born in this country and that I live in it today. And that I have a government that cannot take away those rights and has positive influences on many other countries to make themselves better, such as Poland.
Today, Poland is such an amazing country by being influenced from America than it was living under Russian Communist rule all those years ago. I suggest anyone visit Poland today – they love Americans and are very polite and welcoming.
Thank you for reading and being a patriot in this great country. God Bless America
– Dave