Lifetime Service Hero John Birch

John Birch, lifetime hero extraordinaire, served as a Missionary, and World War II Air Force Captain.  John Birch assisted the infamous Colonel Jimmy Doolittle, and created an American intelligence network that helped save countless survivors of World War II. John...

What is the Thanksgiving Holiday?

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American Holiday – a time when We the People correctly remember the sacrifices and the triumphs of a tiny Christian congregation called the Pilgrims who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean seeking religious freedom.   From 1621, as...

Movie of the Week Nov 19

THIS WEEK: Unmasked Election Fraud Click here to watch free on – the interesting 16 minute look at pure data, statistical anomalies, and impossible election results. Not the same old commentaries and theories, but just the facts…the raw...

Movie of the Week Nov 12

THIS WEEK: Citizen Four Click here to watch free on for the first time or refresh your memory on the dangers of government overreach. After seeing the film, viewers will never think the same way about their phone, e-mail, … Read the...

Inspiring, Little-Known Facts about Veterans

Rev. Patrick Archuleta, Sr., Chaplain at the Jacksonville, FL Cecil Field POW/MIA Memorial, Chapel of the High Speed Pass, was the Keynote Speaker at the Evangel Temple Veterans for Christ Dinner. Respect, honor, heritage, and Israel was on the Chaplain’s...