Written by Thomas Slagle Florida State University, Tallahassee FL “One cold afternoon in January, I took my dog, Graham, for a walk around a University lake, like I do every week. He is an off-leash dog, and began to run … Read the...
Phil Mattox of Jacksonville, FL, is an Unsung Hero, and talented performer who continually serves and brings joy to his community. Pictured is Unsung Hero Phil Mattox performing at the Benghazi Tribute in Jacksonville, FL. Phil is a singer, musician, … Read the...
Unsung Hero Sandy McCorvey of Jacksonville, FL, founded and served as Director of the popular Let Freedom Sing Chorus for eight years. Sandy McCorvey led Chorus at Jacoby Symphony Hall, Jacksonville, FL Sandy McCorvey founded the popular Northeast Florida Let...
Heidi Reyes works at Mission BBQ no matter how busy she is she will always stop and talk to a Veteran, I have personally seen Veterans come in who are down and after Heidi has finished talking to them, they … Read the...
Sean Vernon joined the Atlantic Coast Young Marines at an early age and by hard work and dedication, he steadily worked his way to the Master Sergent of the Unit. Since 2017, We Can Be Heroes Foundation Volunteers observed his … Read the...
– Danette (“Dani) Hernandez has led a life of volunteer service to veterans, military and the Northeast Florida community. Dani serves in many leadership and volunteer member roles and volunteers at various venues to help veterans and the community. Some...