A Deep Dive in Labor Day History 

Do you know the true, historical meaning behind Labor Day? I fear too many Americans do not, and yet, it is a real testament to what it means to be American, and why we should do whatever we can to preserve this holiday, our history, and our future.”
Here are excerpts from Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox, Esq. Substack Did You Know? Click here for complete report.
“Let’s begin with this… did you know that Labor Day was made a national holiday, in part, to combat socialism?! First, a brief history of how Labor Day began… As with many things, the holiday originated at the local and state level, and then once it grew in popularity amongst several states, the federal government stepped in and anointed the day a national holiday. The idea of honoring workers and their contributions to society first originated almost 150 years ago when the Central Labor Union of New York hosted a parade on September 5, 1882, where approximately 10,000 workers took time off of work to march in New York City. The parade was more to protest poor working conditions and low pay than to celebrate the workingman, but regardless, the idea spread, and within just a couple of years, multiple states were celebrating Labor Day. By the time the federal government made it a national holiday in 1894, almost half of the states had already declared Labor Day a holiday.

Our President at the time was Grover Cleveland (D), and he was facing strained relations with the labor movement. Remember, the end of the 19th century was the height of the industrial revolution in our country. More and more workers went from laboring in agriculture in the rural areas to working in factories in the urban areas, and most of the time those factory conditions were dingy and unsafe with insufficient fresh air, limited breaks, and unclean facilities. Workers found themselves toiling 12 hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week, for little pay. As a result, labor unions began to form, and they organized strikes and rallies to protest poor working conditions and to try to compel employers to renegotiate the workers’ hours and of course their pay.

Some of the strikes turned violent, including the infamous Haymarket Riot of 1886 which resulted in several Chicago policemen and workers being killed. In 1894, President Cleveland signed the Labor Day holiday into law in the middle of the violent, nationwide Pullman Palace Car Company strike, which cost the lives of dozens of workers after President Cleveland dispatched 12,000 federal troops and U.S. marshals to break up the strike.

Wanting to quell the unrest and not wanting the laborers’ discontent to spur a socialist movement that would embrace the already in existence May Day celebrations, Congress and President Cleveland made Labor Day a federal holiday which would be celebrated the first Monday of September, nationwide.

So, we see how public opinion of a certain persuasion, particularly when accompanied by action which turns to violence, can control politicians and their thoughts and actions or inactions. In other words, the government (ie politicians and the bureaucrats that work under and with them) will respond when a critical mass of citizens show that they want something. This can work both ways, folks. Remember the riots of 2020 that BLM fueled over the death of a criminal, George Floyd?

My point is, just as the radical rioters were tearing down statues because they found them “racist,” the government then began tearing down statues, too!! For example, politicians ordered the removal of statues of historic figures and monuments, such as Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, Confederate President Jefferson Davis, various Confederate monuments and soldiers, Vice President John Calhoun (apparently a slavery advocate), and even Christopher Columbus!

The lesson to learn here is twofold: first, if you aren’t paying attention and you don’t speak up, then these tragic, radical happenings (by protestors and by your government) will be allowed to happen; and second, it goes both ways! Meaning, if the side of reason, logic, and American patriotism would get loud and organize peaceful actions (always peaceful, folks), then the politicians will listen and fall into step. They will begin to march to the beat of our drums, not the radicals’.

Think about the psychology involved – politicians want to stay in power. All of them. I don’t care what party they represent. If they don’t get reelected, then they’re out of a job ($$), and they’re out of all the cushy “perks” that go along with being an elected official.

In short, politicians don’t want to lose their next election! And so, they will capitulate to the will of the people if they feel that the will represents enough of their constituents. This is how it’s supposed to work, my friends. That is the whole premise behind how our form of government works… a Constitutional republic is rule of the people, by the people, for the people. We tell them what to do, not the other way around. And if they (ie the politicians) don’t obey, then we replace them.

I’ll end with this… Our Founding Fathers gave us the tools to control our lives by controlling our government (ie the politicians and their agencies). But it is up to us to do the work to use that tool we have been given.”

Be sure to read Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox complete report here.  Thanks to Bobbie Anne Cox, Esq. of New York City and her work for We The People.

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