Veteran Stories

World War II Courageous Women

Captain Ronald Regan, Army Air Force (AAF)

Army Enlisted Reserve April 29, 1937 – April 19, 1942
Army Active Duty April 19, 1942 – December 9, 1945
40th President of the United States of America 1981 to 1989.

“National Native American Code Talkers Day” – August 14th

CODE TALKERS: From over 40 Native American Nations, Code Talkers made all the difference during WW1 and WW2, using Native Language to transmit important messages in a Code that was never broken. The following video is perspective from the words of Larry Montoya, a Marine  from the Hopi Nation. He discovered in the process of working with me on the development of this short video, that he had two blood-line and three additional clan-line uncles who served as Code Talkers. I narrate and sing in this mini-documentary while many of the images are from Larry’s family or from public records.

Ann M. Wolf

Joe Shomo

World War II Veteran Joe Shomo speaks of his service from 1943-1946

Herbert Kirkland

Herbert Kirkland speaking on his VJ Day memories

James Lane

US Army World War 2 Veteran James Lane speaks about his service with the 86th Infantry Division and life after the war. James was interviewed by We Can Be Heroes Foundation Volunteers.

Sam Horne

Sam Horne speaks about his VJ Day memories

Sollie Mitchell

Sollie Mitchell speaking on his VJ Day memories

Roscoe Jarvis

We Can Be Heroes Foundation interviews Baker County FL Vietnam Veteran & Purple Heart recipient Roscoe Jarvis

Larry Porterfield

Larry Porterfield, President of Baker County FL Veterans Council, speaks with the We Can Be Heroes Foundation

Peter Fairfield

Peter Fairfiled, US Air Force Korean War Veteran speaks with the We Can Be Heroes Foundation

Serve and Protect : Stories From WWII

From a small senior community near St. Augustine, Florida over 30 veterans came together to share their stories. Produced by Flagler College TV Workshop Students and directed by Michael Rothfeld

Vietnam: Service, Sacrifice, and Courage

NE Florida Vietnam veterans contributed their tender, often hurt feelings to shape this project. The Vietnam veterans were not like the WWII or Korean War veterans we had worked with on our previous documentaries. The Vietnam veterans were more actively involved in watching, suggesting and directing us to tell their true stories. What emerged shows the veterans to be just like you and me. They fought in an unpopular war and yet returned home to lead normal and successful lives. They could be and are your neighbors, friends and relatives. This documentary was produced by Michael Rothfeld and Bill Dudley and directed by Josh Wallace and filmed and edited by the students in the Flagler College Communications Department.

Prisoners of War: Stolen Freedom

Prisoners of War: Stolen Freedom compares the stories of four American servicemen through their time as prisoners of war in three major 20th century conflicts; World War II, Korea and the Vietnam war. Their stories are supported by archival motion pictures and photographs obtained at the US National Archives as well as through sketches and memorabilia collected by each of the men. Their stories are less about atrocity than they are about the survival of the human spirit and the camaraderie that helped each man survive years of incarceration. Each story is followed by spectacular recounts of their days of release. Produced by Michael Rothfeld, Bill Dudley and the Veterans Council of St. Johns County, directed by Eric Flagg

Korea : Forgotten War, Remembered Heroes

This special documentary created by the students of the Art Institute of Jacksonville spotlights the stories of five First Coast Korean War Veterans. Directed by Dr. Nadia Ramoutar, produced by Michael Rothfeld, Bill Dudley and the Veterans Council of St. Johns County.

Korea: The Forgotten War Remembered