KRIS JURSKI                                        RICK McALLISTER

Veterans Resolving Voter Fraud and PTSD Healing
Saturday, August 17, 2024
11:30 Luncheon
– Noon Presentation


Here’s your opportunity to hear amazing stories and thank these unsung heroes!

Veteran Kris Jurski is a Computer Engineer and used that expertise to uncover thousands of fraudulent votes in the Florida 2020 elections. He created the People’s Audit to help citizens check who is voting from their homes.  The system has since grown to monitor millions of voters statewide for anomality’s.  Hear how fraudulent ballots were created and how his grassroots army was able to clean millions of improper voters off the Florida rolls.

Vietnam Airborne Veteran Rick McAllister recently led a group of Vietnam PTSD (post- traumatic stress disorder) veterans on a 500-mile healing pilgrimage across Northern Spain on the Camino se Santiago. Hear about this inspiring and important “Last Patrol: A Pilgrimage of Brotherhood”.

When: Saturday, August 17, 2024, 11:30 Luncheon. Noon Presentation
Where:  Salem Centre Auditorium, 7235 Bentley Road, Jacksonville FL 32256

Seating is limited:  Cost is $40 and includes lunch. Reserve a table for 6 for $240. Table for 8 is $280 (includes free ticket).  Veterans receive 10% discount.  

For Reservations:
Click Here or mail check to We Can Be Heroes Foundation, 14286-19 Beach Blvd., #120, Jacksonville, FL 32250