Phil Mattox of Jacksonville, FL, is an Unsung Hero, and talented performer
who continually serves and brings joy to his community.
Pictured is Unsung Hero Phil Mattox performing
at the Benghazi Tribute in Jacksonville, FL.
Phil is a singer, musician, performer, and public speaker. He joined the Let Freedom Sing chorus in 2014 adding his booming bass voice at patriotic events and performances throughout the Jacksonville, FL area. He served for years in various musical capacities while attending Southside Baptist Church in San Marco as well as singing, performing, and leading choirs. Although he was always very busy, he continued to serve.
When the Director of the Let Freedom Sing Chorus stepped down in 2021, Phil immediately stepped up and offered his expertise and volunteered to be the new Director until his retirement in 2023. He is a man of strong faith, loves God, Family and America, and generously gives of his time and talents everywhere and whenever needed.
Phil Mattox is an inspiration, and a great Patriot.
Nominated by Rose Hayden.