Unsung Hero Sandy McCorvey of Jacksonville, FL, founded and served as Director of the
popular Let Freedom Sing Chorus for eight years. 
Sandy McCorvey led Chorus at Jacoby Symphony Hall,
Jacksonville, FL

Sandy McCorvey founded the popular Northeast Florida Let Freedom Sing Chorus in 2009.  She was one of the Founders of the First Coast Tea Party in 2009 and the Chorus provided inspirational and patriotic music for the Tea Party events  She organized, recruited, and directed the Let Freedom Sing Chorus which continues in high demand to sing at patriotic, political and private events.  Sandy secured engagements and led the Chorus until 2017.  She also served with the local Republican Women’s Club of Duval Federated in various positions and became their official Photographer.

She loves God, America, her children and grandchildren.  Always with a smile on her face, her dedication and tireless devotion to educate and encourage fellow patriotic Americans throughout the years is an inspiration to all who know and love her.

She is truly an unsung hero among us!  Well done, Sandy McCorvey. 


Nominated by Rose Hayden.