Unsung Hero Ally Dombrowski, Tallahassee FL
Written by Thomas Slagle Florida State University, Tallahassee FL "One cold afternoon in January, I took my dog, Graham, for a walk around a University lake, like I do every week. He is an off-leash dog, and began to run after a gaggle of geese. He jumped in the...
Restoring Rule of Law in Trump Administration
Unsung Hero Phil Mattox, Jacksonville FL
Phil Mattox of Jacksonville, FL, is an Unsung Hero, and talented performer who continually serves and brings joy to his community. Pictured is Unsung Hero Phil Mattox performing at the Benghazi Tribute in Jacksonville, FL. Phil is a singer, musician, performer, and...
Restoring Rule of Law in President Trump’s Administration, Feb 22nd
Restoring the Rule of Law in President Trump’s Administration First in the series of “The Constitution is the Solution” Reserve soon for this fascinating and insightful presentation on restoring the rule of law. Saturday, February 22, 2025 Celebrating...
Unsung Hero Sandy McCorvey, Jacksonville FL
Unsung Hero Sandy McCorvey of Jacksonville, FL, founded and served as Director of the popular Let Freedom Sing Chorus for eight years. Sandy McCorvey led Chorus at Jacoby Symphony Hall, Jacksonville, FL Sandy McCorvey founded the popular Northeast Florida Let Freedom...
Meet Special Operations Veterans Jan 30
Rare Opportunities to meet Elite Special Operations Veterans January 30 Click here for tickets and additional info Hosted by Special Operators Transition Foundation (SOTF) LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS AVAILABLE Hope to see you there to help us honor our country's elite...
Unsung Hero Heidi Reyes, Jacksonville FL
Heidi Reyes works at Mission BBQ no matter how busy she is she will always stop and talk to a Veteran, I have personally seen Veterans come in who are down and after Heidi has finished talking to them, they leave laughing, smiling and on the up beat. I personally...
Luncheons for Homeless Veterans 1st Quarter, 2025
Luncheons for Homeless Veterans Loving Fellowships Helping Veterans Reclaim Their Dignity. 1stQuarter, 2025 Thursday, January 23, Friday, February 21, and Friday, March 21. 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Clara White Mission Veterans Unit, 613 W. Ashley St., Jacksonville, FL...
World War II Veteran Joe Shomo speaks of his service from 1943-1946
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Pearl Harbor Day Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration
Exhibitors and Sponsorship Registration RESERVE NOW DURING EARLY BIRD SPECIALS December 7, 2024 We Can Be Heroes Foundation is pleased to invite you to participate on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7th in Jacksonville, Florida at the Annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance and...
Pearl Harbor Remembrance, Dec 7 2024
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2024 ANNUAL PEARL HARBOR REMEMBRANCE LUNCHEON Honoring World War II Veterans Click HERE for reservations. VYSTAR Veterans Memorial Arena, 300 A. Philip Randolph Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32202 Jackets and warm footwear recommended - Arena is...
Help Our Overseas Troops Struggling to Feed Their Families
U.S. Warriors Food Pantry, Camp Humphreys, South Korea Photo courtesy of Luis Garcia/Stars and Stripes News Various sources report one-fourth or more of U.S. troops in America and overseas are struggling to feed their families due to inflation and low pay. It is...
Veterans Food Assistance Grant
Video of the Week The Butler Rally Flag
The Butler Rally Flag July 13, 2024 Comments from the originator: The video is constructed from online...
Unsung Hero Sean Vernon
Sean Vernon joined the Atlantic Coast Young Marines at an early age and by hard work and dedication, he steadily worked his way to the Master Sergent of the Unit. Since 2017, We Can Be Heroes Foundation Volunteers observed his dedication and professional manners. He...
Luncheons for Homeless Veterans 4th Quarter, 2024
Luncheons for Homeless Veterans Loving Fellowships Helping Veterans Reclaim Their Dignity. 4th Quarter, 2024 October 25, November 22, and Christmas Party to be announced 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Clara White Mission Veterans Unit, 613 W. Ashley St., Jacksonville, FL 32210...
PRESS RELEASE – Overseas Troops Struggling with Food Insecurities
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Sep 9, 2024 Contact: Beth Heath, President 904 705-6439 – beth@wecanbeheroesfoundation.org Troops Food Pantry Needs Our Help Overseas Troops Struggling with Food Insecurities (JACKSONVILLE) – Donors are making...
Labor Day Lessons Learned
A Deep Dive in Labor Day History . "Do you know the true, historical meaning behind Labor Day? I fear too many Americans do not, and yet, it is a real testament to what it means to be American, and why we should do whatever we can to preserve this holiday, our...
Help Our Overseas Troops
U.S. Warriors Food Pantry, Camp Humphreys, South Korea Photo courtesy of Luis Garcia/Stars and Stripes News One-fourth or more of U.S. troops in America and overseas are struggling to feed their families due to inflation and low pay. It is especially difficult for...
Help Homeless Veterans Eat on Weekends
Help Homeless Veterans Eat On Weekends Everyone in America can help! Help fill Ditty Bags for Homeless Veterans. Please consider an online donation OR a personal donation of food items from the list below for weekend deliveries to the Veterans Unit, Clara White...