Unsung Hero Vietnam Veteran Rick McAllister

Unsung Hero Vietnam Veteran Rick McAllister

: UPDATE:  Vietnam Airborne Veteran Rick McAllister did lead “Last Patrol: A Pilgrimage of Brotherhood” as discussed below when the project was in the planning stages. Watch the beautiful and amazing story - click here. https://youtu.be/mxxc-VRi7rU   Rick was...

Annual D-Day Remembrance

Annual D-Day Remembrance

Honoring World War II Veterans Hear the story of the Navy heroes of Normandy. June 6, 2023 D-Day Anniversary 5:30 - Social  |  6:00 Dinner  |  6:30 Presentation        Salem Centre Auditorium – 7235 Bentley Road, Jacksonville 32256 Guests of Honor: CAPT Gregory...

Making Memorial Day Important for the Young to the Old

Making Memorial Day Important for the Young to the Old

Heroes of Benghazi Returning Home. Every year on the last Monday in May, Memorial Day honors our fallen heroes. Originally known as Decoration Day, the federal holiday sprang from the War Between the States when the women of the South placed flowers in full bloom on...

Unsung Hero Eadie Dumm

Unsung Hero Eadie Dumm

Edith Dumm is a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Post 7909 of  Jacksonville, Florida. When she heard about the Atlantic Coast Young Marines desire to travel to World War II sites in Germany and France and be present for the D-Day Anniversary,...

Unsung Hero Dianne Lavelle

Unsung Hero Dianne Lavelle

Dianne Lavelle of Jacksonville, Florida, volunteered to help the We Can Be Heroes Foundation program for homeless veterans in Northeast Florida.  While holding down a full-time nursing job, Dianne spent countless evening and weekend hours working an online veterans...

Annual D-Day Remembrance Dinner

Annual D-Day Remembrance Dinner

                                                         SOLD OUT                                   Annual D-Day Remembrance Dinner Honoring World War II Veterans   Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - D-Day Anniversary     5:30 pm Social  | 6 pm Dinner |  6:30 pm Presentation...

Luncheon for Homeless Veterans 2nd Quarter 2023

Luncheon for Homeless Veterans 2nd Quarter 2023

Luncheons for Homeless Veterans 2nd Quarter, 2023 Friday, April 21, May 26, and June 23, 2023 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Clara White Mission Veterans Unit, 613 W. Ashley St., Jacksonville 32210 Will you help serve, donate food, or donate $15 Gift Cards from 7-Eleven, Dollar...

Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial at Atlantic Beach

Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial at Atlantic Beach

New Merchant Marines Veterans Memorial Beaches Veterans Memorial Park A Memorial to all who served in the US Merchant Marines and Navy Armed Guard was placed at the Beaches Veterans Memorial Park, Atlantic Beach, Florida, on March 7, 2023.  The Park is located at the...

Young Marine Sgt Jacelyn Smith – Sponsorship Essay

Young Marine Sgt Jacelyn Smith – Sponsorship Essay

                     Dear Sponsor, I believe I have earned the sponsorship for the Europe trip because I have been committed wholeheartedly to the program for nine years. I have also volunteered for the program many times; my mom and I have volunteered our time...

Young Marine LCpl Achenbach – Sponsorship Essay

Young Marine LCpl Achenbach – Sponsorship Essay

                  I know I am worthy of this scholarship fund because of my dedication for the young marines program. I have been in the young marines program for a little over 2 years. I have worked hard to earn my Lance Corporal rank in this program. I have done...