Honorable Representative Ted S. Yoho – Recommended Speaker
Honorable U.S. Representative Ted Yoho, Florida District 3. Served 8 years on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Agriculture Committee, and Chaired the Asia- Pacific Region and non-proliferation Sub-Committee. To inquire about availability and fees, please call...
CS Bennett – Recommended Speaker
CS Bennett (Curtis Bennett) is a decorated war veteran, author, radio host, speaker, and columnist for several national online news journals. To inquire about availability and fees, please email csbennett55@ilj.com or call 386 972-3300. TOPICS OF INTEREST The...
Shari Duval Receives Unsung Hero Lives Here Yard Sign
National Spokesman Ryman Shoaf for the WE CAN BE HEROES FOUNDATION present "Thank You to the Unsung Hero who lives here" Yard Sign to Shari...
Sponsors Circular of Gratitude Pearl Harbor
Joseph E. Pippin, Jr. – Speaker and Talk Show Host
Joseph E. Pippen, Jr. is a speaker and lecturer on motivational and personal dynamic subjects as well as management and legal topics. Joe has continuously hosted the weekly radio call-in show entitled “Ask an Attorney” since 1985 with weekly columns appearing in...
December 5, 2020 – 9 am – noon
Queens Harbour Yacht & Country Club – Harbour View Dining
1131 Queen’s Harbor Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32225
Hear the captivating, rarely heard true story of Pearl Harbor presented by CAPT Ryman Shoaf, … Read the rest
Pre-Veterans Day Flag & Wreath Memorial Service of Remembrance
Join us at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov 8th for the Pre-Veterans Day Flag & Wreath Memorial Service of Remembrance at the Jacksonville Old City Cemetery and historic landmark, 820 Iona St. 32206. This event with Guest Speaker CAPT Wayne Young, USN, Ret. with JEA is...
PRESS RELEASE: Homeless Veterans Honored with Recreation Room
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE –October 27, 2020 Homeless Veterans Honored with Recreation Room Community Furnishes Recreation Room for Homeless Veterans (JACKSONVILLE) – Homeless Veterans in reemployment programs at the Jacksonville Clara White Mission were honored with...
Press Release – Businesses Sign Customer Pledge to Honor Americans
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE –October 24, 2020 Honored Business DirectoryBusinesses Sign Customer Pledge to Honor Americans (JACKSONVILLE) – Customers expect businesses to comply with immigration regulations, but sadly, illegals are employed by some...
Veterans Day – MISSION BBQ
Each year the MISSION BBQ Restaurant makes Veterans Day a very special day to honor and support Our Uniformed American Heroes. All Veterans and Active Duty Military are served a Free Sandwich. At noon there will be a live version of the National Anthem and all...
DINESH D’SOUZA – Recommended Speaker
Dinesh D’Souza is a renowned Speaker at groups all over the country on politics, philosophy, and Christianity. Mr. D’Souza is the author of numerous bestsellers and is an award-winning filmmaker. He frequently speaks at large gatherings, colleges, and universities and...
Sponsors Circular of Gratitude Pearl Harbor
Bob Tipton, Unsung Hero for Decades
UPDATE: Bob Tipton passed away September 2, 2020. He is sorely missed. His story is inspiring and endearing. He touched many. Let him inspire you to follow in his footsteps in service for all that is good in this, the greatest country ever ... and anywhere....and...
POSTPONED: Luncheon for Veterans In Need, Sept 25, 2020
Luncheon for Veterans In-Need in Reemployment Programs POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 CONCERNS CALL 904 373-8817 TO SCHEDULE PICK UP FROM YOUR PORCH OF NONPERISHABLE FOOD AND CLOTHING. Friday, September 25, 2020 - 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Clara White Mission, 613 W. Ashley...
PRESS RELEASE: Community Breakfast Honors Purple Heart Recipients
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 6, 2019 National Purple Heart Day is Wed., Aug. 7th Community Breakfast Honors Purple Heart Recipients (JACKSONVILLE) – Local charity We Can Be Heroes hosted a capacity...
A Real Millennial Immigrant’s Story
Both my parents are from Poland. At the time they left during the early 90s, Poland was still occupied by the Russians. My dad decided to move to America and they came here with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the ambition to live in a country with...
Jacksonville Teens Joseph Diener and Dominic Viet Save Women in Sinking Car
JACKSONVILLE, Fla — Joseph Diener, 16, and Dominic Viet say they heard a loud noise, a splash, and then a giant thud like a "meteor" hit the earth. Turns out the 15-year-old boys were at the scene near Kernan Boulevard and McCormick Road when a woman lost control of...
Unsung Heroes Susan Shoaf Makes Masks and Dresses for Needy
Susan Shoaf has been an Unsung Hero for years with service to her community and helping those in need. When Susan heard masks could help reduce the spread of COVID-19, she immediately began sewing durable masks. She sewed over 700 surgical masks in first months of...
K9S for Warriors - Born by a Mother's Love The Founder of K9S for Warriors is SHARI DUVAL. K9s For Warriors was born from a Mother's love for her Son. SHARI set her mind to finding a way to help her son Brett, who came back after two tours in Iraq a different man....
School Club Connects Students with Heroes
Mason Romero and his good friend Jake Simone founded a club to serve military and veteran organizations and connects students at their school with heroes who serve our country. Already a K9s for Warriors and USO Volunteer, Mason Romero was inspired to form the Student...