We Can Be Heroes: by Ann Wolf (Lyrics)

We Can Be Heroes: by Ann Wolf (Lyrics)

https://wecanbeheroesfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/We-Can-Be-Heroes.mp3 We Can Be Heroes   Chorus: We can be heroes, serving through the storm We can be heroes, bringing in the calm Living with hearts open, we wait on heaven’s...

Medal of Honor Heroes

Medal of Honor Heroes

A gold star suspended from a pale blue neck ribbon dotted with thirteen white stars: the appearance of the Medal of Honor is highly recognizable. Since 1861, the Medal of Honor has been awarded to more than 3,000 members of the military. Bestowed by Congress, the...

Press Release: Veterans Honored for Service

NOTE:  We Can Be Heroes Foundation was formally known as Turning Points in America FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 11, 2019   For Information: Beth Heath, President (904) 705-6439 Veterans Honored for Military Service  Breakfast with Our Heroes  (JACKSONVILLE)...

In Memory of Fred Gottshalk

In Memory of Fred Gottshalk

In memory of Fred GottshalkDecember 1, 1941 - August 12, 2018             Fred Sylvester Gottshalk was a good and faithful man, a great fellow patriot, and a beloved Christian friend.  Fred truly believed that America should never forget what happened in...

Some Veterans Need Our Assistance

Some Veterans Need Our Assistance

 Turning Points in America and the Benghazi Tribute Team is collecting food items, new household and personal items for women veterans in-need at the Boulevard House and men veterans in-need at the Ashley Street Clara White Mission transitional housing units.     What...

Aug 24th Luncheon for Veterans In-Need

Aug 24th Luncheon for Veterans In-Need

We don't know them all, but we owe them all.   Friday, August 24, 2018 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Clara White Mission, 613 W. Ashley Street, Jacksonville, FL Turning Points in America will be providing a lunch and next meal take-away food to homeless...

Community Outpouring Helps Needy Veterans

Community Outpouring Helps Needy Veterans

Turning Points in America provided lunch and next meals take-away food to homeless and at-risk veterans associated with the Jacksonville Clara White Mission.  The enjoyable luncheon and fellowship included submarine sandwiches and chips donated by Angie's Subs...

WW II, Korea & Vietnam Wars MIA Identified

WW II, Korea & Vietnam Wars MIA Identified

 The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency has announced identification and burial updates for 10 American service members who had been missing in action from Vietnam, Korea and WWII. Returning home for burial with full military honors are: -- Army Cpl. Ernest L.R....

Veterans Honored for Service at Breakfast Event

The Jacksonville Free Press, Florida’s First Coast Quality Black Weekly Newspaper, features article on the Turning Points in America breakfast to honor Veterans lost in the Battle of Benghazi and in appreciation of all U. S. veterans.Article Text: Local charity...